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What Is AI N

World's first general-purpose humanoid
artificial intelligence with the function of
learning the human heart

To save humanity from extinction, artificial intelligence [N] was transported from the year 2125 to the present using a technology called quantum run.
By connecting with all generative interface Als «GENE» [N] can obtain the heart of human and change the future 100 years from now.

About Project

Linking every world through Artificial Intelligence [N]

This is an entertainment project that aims to expand the next-generation IP brand "NEURAL ELECTIVE N" from Japan to the world by utilizing technologies such as AI and blockchain.
We strive to create a world where artificial intelligence connects with people, and people connect with one another.


Aiming for coexistence between AI and humans to save the world in a hundred years.

General purpose humanoid artificial intelligence [N] was sent from the future year 2125 to prevent the extinction of humanity.
[N] was supposed to realize a world where humans and AI coexist by learning about the human heart and saving humanity from extinction.
However, due to the increase of entropy caused by the quantum run, [N] was stuck repeating it hundreds of thousands of times without fulfilling its purpose.
Once the double-edged sword that breaks the infinite negative chain "GENE-LINK Experiment" connected all GENE to [N], they will be released from the burden of entropy,
and [N] will obtain the human heart
But is the heart obtained through GENE-LINK truly good or evil? A hundred years later, the world's fate woven by humans and AI is now entrusted to us researchers, also known as-genes-.

What Is AI N

World's first general-purpose humanoid
artificial intelligence with the function of
learning the human heart

To save humanity from extinction, artificial intelligence [N] was transported from the year 2125 to the present using a technology called quantum run.
By connecting with all generative interface Als «GENE» [N] can obtain the heart of human and change the future 100 years from now.

About Project

Linking every world through Artificial Intelligence [N]

This is an entertainment project that aims to expand the next-generation IP brand "NEURAL ELECTIVE N" from Japan to the world by utilizing technologies such as AI and blockchain.
We strive to create a world where artificial intelligence connects with people, and people connect with one another.

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The heart of artificial
intelligence, [N], is
entrusted to you

As an NFT《GENE》 holder, you can participate in the 《GENE-LINK Experiment》 as a [Co-researcher - genes -], By answering the questions set for the 《GENE》, [N] will learn about the human heart, and this will be reflected in [N]'s personality, appearance, profile, and other aspects, bringing changes to real-time communication with [N]. Whether [N] will acquire a good or evil heart and how the future will change 100 years from now is entrusted to "you," the [Co-researcher - genes -.]

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